
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Watch Dvne Run Through “Sì-XIV”

I think it would be pretty hard to miss the fact that Heavy Blog loves Dvne. We’ve loved them from a while now but their latest release, Etemen Ænka,

4 years ago

I think it would be pretty hard to miss the fact that Heavy Blog loves Dvne. We’ve loved them from a while now but their latest release, Etemen Ænka, has solidified and launched that love into the stratosphere. That’s probably why there’s a lot of Dvne content coming your way; first, a premiere of a guitar playthrough video for “Sì-XIV”, one of the more impactful and powerful tracks on the album, but also a *prognotes post next week. That’s right, I took on the endeavour of diving into the concepts behind the album, weird language games included! But for now, let’s focus on the premiere at hand, since one of the things I love most about this album is how the instruments manage to be as interesting as the lyrical concepts of the story. The video below is a great testament to that, as it singles out the guitars and drums, without the vocals. Head on down below to check it out!

God, I love this track so much. I especially love the segment that starts at the four minute mark, where the backing guitar starts to run down this super cool progression and the drums go all cymbal-forward before the lead guitar erupts into that weird, extended solo. It almost sounds and looks improvised, before it tightens back up into the culmination of that passage and, indeed, the entire track. This video is an amazing opportunity to look at the technicality and progressive sensibilities which pump throughout this track and the album. Honestly, I’d listen to an instrumental version of this album without hesitation. Don’t get me wrong, I love the vocals and the lyrics (as mentioned, I have a 7,000 word post coming up about them) but I think there’s just as much going on in the instrumental department to keep me attentive and engaged.

Oh, and can I also say how cool it is that Victor took the time to run us through the tuning of the track before they started? Such a cool, personal touch. Anyway, if, for some ludicrous reason, you still haven’t heard and purchased Etemen Ænka, you can correct your shameful mistake by heading on over to the mighty Metal Blade to do so. Don’t hesitate to do so; this is one of the best albums of 2021.

Eden Kupermintz

Published 4 years ago