In case you haven’t noticed, wacky and sassy Myspace-era metalcore and grind are back, baby, and I’m here for it. seeyouspacecowboy, wristmeetrazor, Vein, and The Sound That Ends

6 years ago

In case you haven’t noticed, wacky and sassy Myspace-era metalcore and grind are back, baby, and I’m here for it. seeyouspacecowboy, wristmeetrazor, Vein, and The Sound That Ends Creation have come out in recent years to bring the beat back with nostalgic mathcore riffs in their own way. Bands such as Arsonists Get All The Girls (who owe me a vinyl record from an unfulfilled crowdfunder, btw) and The Number Twelve Looks Like You are also returning from the void to capitalize and spearhead this resurgence.

With this burgeoning scene comes sporadic hints and dashes at cybergrind. Efforts to dip into that arena have been few and far between, but now’s a good time as any to dig into plastic sounding drum machines, noisy grind riffs, and cheesy darting synthesizers. However, it would seem that the style died with Genghis Tron around 2010.

So imagine my surprise and delight when the words “Cybergrind Band – New EP” popped up this week in the Heavy Blog inbox. An enigmatic band by the name of couldcareless, seemingly with no bio or social media presence (outside of a twitter filled with shitposting) and two members by the names of “nub and din”, have just dropped a new EP titled adonic death count, and boy, just look at this tracklist:

  1. we forced a bot to listen to 1000 hours of the couldcareless ep and then asked it to write a couldcareless ep of its own, here’s the first page (01:19)
  2. i’m a simple man with a simple plan and a kidnapper van (01:06)
  3. sunno))) stage dive (01:05)
  4. a glass of milk with ice in it (01:11)
  5. i got an a+ in anatomy because i showed my teacher how to spell “boobies” on a calculator (04:12)

You should know immediately if this is the kind of content you’re looking for by genre tags and track titles alone, but just in case you needed it in writing, couldcareless offer a riffy and LOUD cybergrind experience. The blastbeats and synths of “glass of milk” call to mind Disfiguring the Goddess‘ take on death metal. “forced a bot” has scratchy mathcore riffs, with start/stop industrial chugging section and a frightening symphonic section. The epic finale “anatomy” is a more melodic and slowly building crescendo of melacholic post-metal.

Listen to adonic death count via the Bandcamp player below:

If you like what you hear, you can move your way back to just three months ago when they released their last EP titled stem cell suicide, which offers more wacky ADHD-addled cybergrind and shortform mathcore adventures with songs lengths averaging about 40 seconds each. This is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Keep your eyes open on the band’s Bandcamp page, because apparently they’re about to drop a new single on 3.5″ floppy disc, and if that’s not commitment to the aesthetic, then I don’t know what is.

Jimmy Rowe

Published 6 years ago