I rarely do these kinds of posts. I generally don’t have the time to do so, or I either shape them in the form of premieres. When I do find something worth listening to or talking about, there are usually some other writers here who dig it enough to write about them. However, this time around I wanted to take a swing at it. Today, I’ve brought about a band that is equal parts hardcore and experimental music, that combine elements commonly found in The Chariot as well as Dillinger Escape Plan songs. That band is Fat Guy Wears Mystic Wolf Shirt. Now, before I go any further, listen to their newest release below, titled Accord / Dance.
The music is really good, so let’s just get that out of the way, but let’s delve into the intricacies of this stuff. The opening track is chock full of some great stuff, going from some d-beat style hardcore straight into some experimental off-time stuff, followed by a chorus that sounds reminiscent of 1970s-era punk music. This is definitely one of the coolest finds I have ever listened to. The EP is short and sweet. Apart from that, it even has some cool stuff incorporating violins, alto sax, trumpet, and even the trombone. It’s like the band wanted to incorporate a symphonic element to the hardcore sound, and it meshes together really. The stuff is more thrown in to work off the guitars, similarly to the way Shining (the Norwegian one, not the Swedish one) uses the sax in their music. It a really unique blend of sounds that all manage to coexist peacefully and harmoniously, and sometimes even disharmoniously.
This is definitely a band that you should not be sleeping on. Be sure to follow the band’s Facebook and the Art As Catharsis Bandcamp!