
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Stream A Brand New Song From MAKE!

I honestly never get tired of doing these premieres. Many people ask me if these ever get to be sort of a chore since I do so many for us,

9 years ago

I honestly never get tired of doing these premieres. Many people ask me if these ever get to be sort of a chore since I do so many for us, and the answer is no. I adore the fact that people want us to host this stuff, and the fact that they reach out to me with stuff they know I will like specifically based on my taste is really flattering. MAKE is a band that we have covered on here before, and Simon even reviewed their last record. This time, they’re set to release a new album, Pilgrimage Of Loathing, and they’ve chosen us to host a brand new song from the record! Check it out!

“The Somnambulist” is punishingly heavy with the music tottering over the line between sludge and post metal. However, the vocals are what pushes this track to excel. Sporting high pitched flair, these vocals shiver over the hauntingly somber and despair-filled vibe of the instrumentation to smash the message home. When the vocals go clean, they cut clear over the bass/guitar interactions, amplifying the impact of both parts. This isn’t your run of the mill post-metal/sludge metal album: it’s definitely something more, a more subtle and intricate creation that isn’t afraid to overstep some genre definitions in favor of emotional capacity, honest delivery and an overall dedication to excellence.

As someone who has heard the entire album, I can tell you that you are in for a treat, because these guys have stepped their game up. We’re also happy to report that the band have signed to a label this week, Accident Prone Records! These guys have worked with bands like Cattle Decapitation and Nadja. It’s always nice to see musical excellence and honesty duly rewarded, so we’re more than happy to see that they’ve signed to such a veteran label.

Pilgrimage of Loathing will be out in just over a month. You can pre-order it right here. Head on over to the band’s Facebook for more updates about the new album, including tour dates and more!

Heavy Blog

Published 9 years ago