
Download A New Track From King Goat!

Sometimes I like my music to have an element that kind of sends it over the top, so to speak. Not in a corny way, but similarly to the way

8 years ago

Sometimes I like my music to have an element that kind of sends it over the top, so to speak. Not in a corny way, but similarly to the way that Ghost has their unique vocal style and Frontierer has a super unique “beehive” sound with each song. It’s fun to listen to and really seems to break the monotony of listening to metal. While I love the genre as a whole, it can grow tiresome without a small break or change of scenery. King Goat do both, combining elements of doom metal with spaced out prog/stoner/heavy metal, and now you can snag a free download of their track “Conduit”. Check it out!

This song takes many interesting turns, but it makes for a very spaced out listen. It feels as if I’m in the middle of a desert being lowered into my tomb by an ancient civilization while their god looks down upon me and judges my fate. The song generates thoughts of mythology, ancient history, and psychedelic trips from beginning to end, and it’s definitely a piece that’s worth your time. If you have a spare moment, you should seriously consider snagging this track. Not only is it free, but it will make you want to preorder their upcoming record that drops on the 25th. You should also head to their Bandcamp to check their back catalogue and follow them on Facebook to keep up with everything related to the band!

Heavy Blog

Published 8 years ago