
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Check Out A New Atlantis Chronicles Track With This Massive Stream

There is a serious lack, a dearth, a trench, if you will, of ocean-themed metal. Even the band The Ocean doesn’t write about exclusively about the ocean: they have

9 years ago

There is a serious lack, a dearth, a trench, if you will, of ocean-themed metal. Even the band The Ocean doesn’t write about exclusively about the ocean: they have an album, Pelagial, dedicated to it, but outside of that, nothing. It’s truly an untapped world of potential concept material; bands that have sipped from this salty cup in the past are few and far between, and their ranks demand to be buffered. Hence, the existence of Atlantis Chronicles, a death metal band that draws influence from a host of contemporaries to craft a brew that is truly representative of the watery world from which they get their name.

Their first album, Ten Miles Underwater, sported a complex and intriguing mix of modern death metal tendencies alongside its oceanic concept, using this theme to bring a fair amount of atmosphere into their music that took their songs from the realm of well-written to that of unique.  No other band brings these aquatic tendencies into such a technically demanding style of music, and it was easy to tell from this debut that the European upstarts had a bright career ahead of them. Three years after Ten Miles Underwater and the band is gearing up to release their sophomore LP, Barton’s Odyssey. Here, today, we’ve got an exclusive look into the depths of this album with the track “Within The Massive Stream.” Check it out after the jump!

Drawing comparisons to Gorod and The Faceless most clearly, but echoing elements of Obscura and even Alaska-era Between The Buried And Me at times, “Within The Massive Stream” has a clear luster and sense of grandiosity that many bands in the world of technical death metal lack. After a brief intro, the track launches into an all-out wave of sound, coalescing into a massive attack in the form of dual tremolo melodies running against each other and pounding blast beats, and then collapses in on itself into a crushing rhythm before swelling back up once more to bring the tides with powerful chords and a return of the same tremolo melodies. Every piece of the track jettisons the song forward into a new territory, and repeated sections feel stronger every time thanks to the gaining momentum of the song. Truly, the title is apt, and by the time the song is over, the listener feels as though they have been tossed about by a strong musical current, and is now drifting through the waves on the swaying organ that closes the track.

If the oceanic themes and well-written, exciting music are enough to persuade you to anticipate this album dropping, mark the release date of March 25th on your calendar. Until then, stay excited, and get ready for Atlantis Chronicles to make waves this year as they develop a whole new pool of fans.

Simon Handmaker

Published 9 years ago