Looks like we’ve got one more for you!
Bermuda vocalist Corey Bennett liked so much that we were posting lists from other band members, including Rivers of Nihil and So Hideous, that he thought he would join in on the fun, too! Being the indispensable entity of energy that he is, he went above and beyond the call of duty and offered us eleven albums that he loved this year.
Check ’em out below!
1)fit for an autopsy ” absolute hope, absolute hell “-

The Plot In You is a group of boys that are too damn talented. Every new record is distinctly different from the last one. Happiness in Self-Destruction is original Korn meets Deftones with some really fucking unique breakdowns and gut-wrenching introspection in its lyrics.

Zero shame here, friends. I’ve enjoyed everything Bring Me the Horizon have done since Suicide Season. This album, That’s the Spirit is so great. It’s the perfect mix of the Deftones, Nine Inch Nails, and just a smidge of Linkin Park—all the bands you secretly love, but claim to be too tough to admit.

Ugh! How the Hell does Brandan Schieppati just crank out such genuinely pissed music? Anyone who knows me knows I love Bleeding Through, so this was easily going to make my Best Of list. It’s fast, it’s real, it’s angrier than a bull in a china shop. Give it a try and enjoy your new addiction!

Black Tongue‘s latest is downtempo with the eeriness of doom metal? Yes, please! Can I have more?

Weston very new and young band we got the chance to take on tour with and really get to know. I love everything about this EP! It’s like mixing the first two Korn albums with Sworn In’s newest, all topped off by throwing in the ugliest breakdowns ever in for good measure. Expect great things from them in the future!

Holy Hell. Comeback city! I’ve loved Visions of Disorder since their Imprint album and was so excited when they reunited and announced their first record back, The Cursed Remain Cursed. This new record, Razed to the Ground, is fucking intense and downright catchy at times. Proof that the old dogs still do it best.

We (Bermuda) were honored to have toured with Thy Art is Murder right before they recorded Hate. Some of the funniest, fun, and humble people we’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I called it from the start—they’ve made deathcore catchy. Despite their recent lineup change, I can see them blowing up even further with Holy War—pun not intended.

I’d been turned onto Turbid North via Hatebreed’s vocalist’s podcast and instantly became a huge fan. They somehow manage to incorporate sludge, post-metal, and prog all while managing to keep things fresh.

Just wow. I’ve known A Dark Orbit vocalist Chad Kapper since the early days of our respective bands’ careers. We are constantly texting new music to one another, be it one of our own respective projects or a new band we discovered. I had a hunch this record, Inverted, was going to be massive once I’d heard a few demos. In fact, “massive” doesn’t begin to describe it. They truly outdid themselves. They effortlessly shift from the oppressively heavy to the distinct soul-crushing vastness that the album cover conveys. I was absolutely honored to have been asked to be part of the track “Death Cult Philosophy.” Don’t be surprised if Chad and I end up doing a dual frontman project someday!

This record came out of nowhere! I’ve been a fan since LGND‘s (then Legend) first demos back in the MySpace days and they’ve only gotten better with each release. Between Chad’s delivery, DL’s clean vocals, and their newfound focus and structure, this self-titled album has been in constant rotation . It’s heavy, it’s driving, it’s formulated perfectly—and just when you think your ear drums might burst, they give you a respite from it with a huge chorus hook. Really hope to see them live again in the near future!

I’d known of Fit for an Autopsy since their inception, but kind of glossed over their first album. I became interested after a short run we did with them. Hearing their second album, especially live, was a real treat. This album, Absolute Hope, Absolute Hell really does embody all that’s great about the deathcore movement these days. There’s a certain palpable despair throughout, and I love the new melodic elements they’ve added to their sound. The new vocalist more than fills the shoes of his predecessor and, in my opinion, he surpasses the original in a big way with his huge range!
Big shout out to Bermuda’s Corey Bennett for giving us a really great list of artists! If you haven’t yet checked out Bermuda’s music, you can listen to a track from their latest release, Use Your Burdens. Great for deathcore fans of all shapes and sizes!