After getting Native Construct as guests last week, we’re back to our regular format for our fifth episode. This week on Heavy Pod Is Heavy Cast, Eden and I

9 years ago

After getting Native Construct as guests last week, we’re back to our regular format for our fifth episode. This week on Heavy Pod Is Heavy Cast, Eden and I discuss new music from David Bowie, Obscura, Vipassi, Ulver and more. We then go into conversations about the history and relevance of guitar solos, vocal styles in context of their genre, and how we view older music. We go off the rails a lot this episode and discuss a lot of ancillary things, like mentioning Fallujah, WRVTH and Beyond Creation several times! Including me trying to make a point that I’m not being pretentious, by digging my hole deeper and accidentally saying even more pretentious stuff. Sorry for that! We really appreciate you listening to us.

Episode 5 – Black Astrology:

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Show notes:

Intro/Outro – Aftermath/Closure, Just as Planned by NYN

Scott’s editorial about whether the EP/LP distinction matters today

Pangaea – The Balance

Wishbone Ash – Argus

Kevin Moore’s Chroma Key



Published 9 years ago