NYN is not only one of our veteran editors, the dude also knows how to write and play some good metal. His solo project has produced some of the most fun tech metal I’ve heard (check out his amazing full-length from last year if you don’t believe us), and I’m still a little bit jealous that I can’t play as well as he does. That’s besides the point. Recently, Noyan had been discussing the possibility of releasing a melodic death metal EP, which is something he has always had mulling around in his mind. Well everyone, he did it, and you can check it out below!
This album is better than anything In Flames have done recently, which is always nice to hear. I actually really enjoy it, and I think Noyan is also extremely pleased with it as well. It’s nice to know that he finally had the chance to but this music that’s been floating around in his head for so long out in the open for everyone to hear. Oh, did I mention that the album is also Pay-What-You-Want? It is, which means you absolutely no excuses for at least checking it out to see if you enjoy it or not. Don’t fear however. NYN will continue to bring the tech, and Noyan has made it clear that this might be a one-off thing, at least in the near future. Check out the rest of NYN’s Bandcamp for the rest of his releases!