
Update About The Brian Shields Memorial Tour Fund, Perk Fulfillment, Beginning Band Submissions, And Beyond [6-8-15]

Hello, all! Welcome to another exciting update regarding the Brian Shields Memorial Tour Fund! I know I said I’d have an update for you “next Monday” (as in a

10 years ago

Hello, all! Welcome to another exciting update regarding the Brian Shields Memorial Tour Fund! I know I said I’d have an update for you “next Monday” (as in a Monday from 5/11/15), but that clearly didn’t happen. So here’s a Monday update!

Things are a-movin’ and a-shakin’ behind the scenes. First up: Perk fulfillment! For details, grab it all behind the cut!

If you haven’t downloaded the tribute album in honor of Brian’s memory, better get in there:

We’re currently waiting on final word regarding fulfillment for all The Contortionist goodies, but those should be coming soon. The Omega Experiment album (currently titled The Omega Experiment II) is still being written and recorded, so anyone who pledged for that, please be patient. It’s sounding awesome, however. To our one person who pledged for the custom picks, you should have been put in touch already. If you have not, get in touch right away.

To anyone who pledged for lessons, you should have been put in touch with your instructor by now. If not, get in touch.

To our one person who pledged for custom logo design, if you have not been put in touch with artist Mike Graziano—you guessed it—reach out and talk to us.

Questions or concerns regarding the above should be directed to: [email protected] and you shall be redirected as necessary.

Lastly, to our people who donated for shirts…Look what we got!

I should be shipping these out sometime this week (today through Thursday morning), but I am incredibly busy with preparations for E3 (the Electronics & Entertainment Expo) in LA for my own site, Save/Continue. If for some reason they don’t get shipped out this week, that’s my bad and they will be in the mail as soon as I return on the evening of the 19th.

With all that said, we are finally culminating to the delicious fruit of our endeavor: The band submission and selection process.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how things will pan out:

That seems to be it for now!

Bands, stay tuned for next Monday.

-KG, Heavy Blog, & Wings Denied

Kyle Gaddo

Published 10 years ago