
Tempel Release “Carvings In The Door;” Remind Us All Of How Good They Are

Apologies are in order: we have been terribly silent about Tempel in the past. The reality is that their 2014 release, On The Steps Of The Tempel was one of

10 years ago


Apologies are in order: we have been terribly silent about Tempel in the past. The reality is that their 2014 release, On The Steps Of The Tempel was one of the best releases of that year. The duo present an instrumental style that is not often heard, delving into post metal, doom and death for their inspirations rather than the more common modern progressive. Now, it’s time to correct our mistake. Tempel have just released the first track from their upcoming album, The Moon Lit Our Path and boy, is it good. Head on over the jump!

Allowing itself an expansive intro, “Carvings In The Door” finally erupts into a whole new production style for Tempel. The bass tone is different and much louder, and the drums are more blistering and intense. The core reliance on post and doom is still there but a lot of black metal has been infused here. Listen to the whole thing, but also skip to the end (about one minute and a half from closing) for what Tempel do best: catchy riffs that just go on for miles and this time, with that added power on the bass.

Needless to say, we won’t be silent any longer. Tune in as we near release for more music from these brilliant musicians as well as a full review. We can’t wait!


Eden Kupermintz

Published 10 years ago