
Download The Brian Shields Tribute Album Right Here; Also A Crowd Fund Update

With our IndieGoGo to honor Brian’s Memory at a close, it’s time to reveal our first addition to our tribute to the late, great Brian Shields—the tribute

10 years ago

With our IndieGoGo to honor Brian’s Memory at a close, it’s time to reveal our first addition to our tribute to the late, great Brian Shields—the tribute album.

What we have below is 19 brutal tracks from musicians and bands that were affected by Brian in our ever-growing metal family. Please enjoy a free download through Bandcamp. In addition, we have some information about what will happen with the funds we’ve received.

[bandcamp width=600 height=720 album=624923271 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=7137dc tracklist=false]

Here’s a full tracklist of the artists and songs:

1. Enfold Darkness – The Dirge of the Surrogate Invictus
2. Aberrant – A Reasonable Doubt
3. Aidos – Through Imagination
4. Neverbloom – The Culling Of Wolves
5. Embryonic Parasite – Pleasure In Human Remains ft Malcolm Pugh
6. WORLDCRUSHER – Godless Eternity
7. Adam Shepard – Brian Shields Dabmaster
8. Daedalus – All Hail The King
9. Chronic Decay – Shields
10. Forsythia – Absolute World
11. I Am The Construct – Inanimate Reality
12. Robots Pulling Levers – Ashes
13. Steven Rose – An Endless Legacy
14. Atrophic – Reborn
15. Masochrist – Genesis Of Annihilation
16. NYN – Dissimulating Apologia
17. Ophidian I – Whence They Came
18. Pentapuss – Shield Of The (dab•ith•er•us)
19. The Ragnarok Prophecy – The Great One

As you can see, several songs were composed specifically for this tribute album, as they bear the name or a reference to our departed brother. May you be rocking these riffs in the afterlife, Brian.

On another note, if you don’t follow the Facebook page set up for the Brian Shields Memorial Tour Fund, we have an update for you (as of May 1st):

Hey guys. As you all know, the crowdfund ended last week, and since then, we’ve been relatively silent, as we’ve been sorting through everything, and seeing how we would have to adjust, based off how the results panned out.
First, after Indiegogo took their cut, we raised a total of $2021.16, in just thirty days! While it’s a little less than a third of what we had been hoping, the fact that we were able to bring so many people together for such a great cause is absolutely astounding and amazing to me. Brian would’ve been so thankful for each and every one of you and we absolutely are as well.
Second, the next steps are to figure out exactly where we go from here. We’re working to find the best company to print shirts at the best rate for us, and will be aiming to use all remaining money to give to a band for a scholarship.
Third, all of those who have ordered perks will be receiving within the next week an email, with instructions on redeeming the perk. For shirts, we’ll be asking everyone for their sizes. For things like lessons, we will put you in touch with the person you requested a lesson from, etc etc. We aim to have all perks fulfilled within the next four-to-six weeks!
Fourth, with the money that remains, we are still planning on hosting a scholarship in the upcoming months! Shortly, we will be posting our plans to accept submissions for a scholarship, and how the process will work.
Finally, though the length of the crowdfund is ending, we’re always continuing to take donations to those who support the cause. All donations are heavily appreciated, and can be sent to [email protected] via Paypal. If there is a perk from the crowdfund list that has not been sold out, and that you are interested in, send us a message with your paypal, and we’ll see what we can do.
So, in short, while we’re sorting through everything, sit tight! We’ll have full updates soon.

You’re gone, but not forgotten, Brian. May we do our best to honor your memory and help the community like you did!

-KG, Heavy Blog, and Wings Denied

Kyle Gaddo

Published 10 years ago