
Abyssal Resurface With New Album Antikatastaseis; Debut ‘I Am The Alpha And The Omega’

There is unavoidable caution that accompanies the discovery of an anonymous metal band that produces excellent music. While their output may whet the listener’s palette, the lack of visibility

10 years ago

Abyssal - Antikatastaseis

There is unavoidable caution that accompanies the discovery of an anonymous metal band that produces excellent music. While their output may whet the listener’s palette, the lack of visibility and communication from the band renders certainty of their future an unknowable fact. This is precisely the case with UK based Abyssal after they dropped the enticing Denouement and Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius (available for “Name Your Price” download on their Bandcamp). Two spectacular slabs of Incantation worship treated with an extra layer of darkness and murk, they materialized from nowhere and were followed by utter silence from the band, much to the dismay to death metal fans throughout the underground.

Now, two years later and with just as little advance notice, Abyssal has announced that Profound Lore will oversee the proper release of their third album Antikatastaseis, with the announcement being accompanied by the release of a new track entitled “I Am the Alpha and the Omega.” Head past the jump to preview the album’s promises of filthy brutality:

While the song aligns with Abyssal’s established sound, it explores more expansive territory and demonstrates a much more melodic, lush and refined approach. If this is any indicator of how Antikatastaseis will sound, it will without a doubt be one of the greatest death metal releases of the year.

Slated for arrival on June 23rd, Profound Lore has not made pre-orders for the album available yet; HBIH will provide an update when this changes.


Scott Murphy

Published 10 years ago