
Listen to Fulgora’s Ferocious New Full-Length, Stratagem

We haven’t mentioned Fulgora here on Heavy Blog before, but that’s about to change. Consisting of John Jarvis (Pig Destroyer), Adam Jarvis (Pig Destroyer, Misery Index) and B.

10 years ago


We haven’t mentioned Fulgora here on Heavy Blog before, but that’s about to change. Consisting of John Jarvis (Pig Destroyer), Adam Jarvis (Pig Destroyer, Misery Index) and B.L. LaMew, Fulgora are a vicious deathgrind outfit who’ve been making waves in underground metal circles and are about to unleash their first full-length album, Stratagem, onto an unsuspecting world. The album doesn’t hit shelves for another month, but they’re streaming it now. Check it out after the jump!

Decibel has the premiere of Stratagem, which is a precise, deadly and succinct assault on the senses. The album clocks in at about 20 minutes total, so in that sense, it’s a full-length album in the same way Nails’ Abandon All Life is, but really, that’s all you need with an album like this. The drums are furious, the riffs are jaggedly sharp, and the overall ambience of the album is one of chaos and destruction. Fans of Pig Destroyer, Misery Index and Dying Fetus will eat this album up, and should do so immediately.

Stratagem will be released on March 24 via Phil Anslemo’s own Housecore Records, which means Fulgora has gotten the stamp of approval from Anselmo himself. Pre-order this monster here.


Heavy Blog

Published 10 years ago