
Corelia Announce Double Disc Debut Album Alongside Indiegogo Campaign

Corelia have been teasing us quite a bit through their social media accounts about their debut record, but we are teased no longer! We finally have confirmation that their debut

10 years ago

Corelia Debut Album

Corelia have been teasing us quite a bit through their social media accounts about their debut record, but we are teased no longer! We finally have confirmation that their debut record will be releasing this year with the help of YOU, the listener. The band announced their debut album will be a double-disc, 90 minute long journey funded through an Indiegogo campaign. You can check out the video they released with the announcement as well as the campaign itself after the jump.

It’s crazy to think that it’s been three years since Nostalgia was released and that the band is just now releasing their debut album. Incredible care has gone into the material for this release and you can tell not only in how long has passed, but in how they discuss it in the announcement and the description of the campaign. They wanted this to be incredibly special and I wholeheartedly think it will be just that.

Check out the campaign here and for a bit of nostalgia, check out our review of their debut EP here.


Ryan Castrati

Published 10 years ago