
Check The New Video For ‘Track 5’ By ’68

When Josh Scogin popped up as part of ’68 not too long after the announcement that The Chariot were packing up and call it a day, I wasn’t too

10 years ago


When Josh Scogin popped up as part of ’68 not too long after the announcement that The Chariot were packing up and call it a day, I wasn’t too impressed. It took a few spins of their debut In Humor and Sadness for me to appreciate what the band are all about. They have just dropped one of the coolest videos of the year and you have to check it out after the jump.

Alternative Press hooked us all up with the premiere of the new video. ‘Track 5’ has Scogins inimitable vocals plastered all over it, much like the multiple layers of projections that he and band mate Michael McClellan are adorned with. It’s a very cool visual experiment that is another part of the interesting promotion techniques used by the band with their split track YouTube trick. Don’t worry though, it’s cool to enjoy something featured on Alternative Press when it’s a song as tight as this.

The band are coming back to the UK next year and I’m definitely not missing them again. You guys should probably check them out too if you have a Chariot shaped hole left in your heart.


Matt MacLennan

Published 10 years ago