I’ve already said Steven Wilson, so your heart rate should be pretty high right now if you’re in any way a fan of progressive music. His latest works, while taking whole new directions for the virtuoso producer, performer and songwriter, have all been masterpieces. We’ve already heard snippets of the new album and it sounds just as amazing. The album has its release date set for February and will be titled Hand.Cannot.Erase. Head on over the jump for the full release.
[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/StevenWilsonHQ/photos/a.121603464526591.14146.114657261887878/848505338503063/?type=1/” width=”550″/]
I’m very expectant of this. If Steven brings his full powers to bear on this album, it is without a doubt one which will end up crowning my Top 25 list for 2015. Will he further explore the 70’s sound set forth in The Raven That Refused to Sing? Will he return to earlier, Porcupine Tree era, sounds? No telling as of yet but whatever it is, it will probably be brilliant.