So much “Shit Brian Shields Should Hear” so little time. Part Two of your suggestions for today after the jump.
You can’t take a week or two off when it comes to new music that’s worth sampling. So we’re back with our second of set of recommended music. If you know of something I should hear, please post it to the Shit Brian Shields Facebook Page.
Again, just so you know what you’re getting. Some of these may be great (in your opinion), some may fucking suck (to your ears). Some may be old some may be brand new. Some may be tech death or prog or Black Metal and straight up Death Metal or even some may be What The Fuck Was That? but it’s all worth sampling. If it works the way it’s supposed to you will find at least one or two examples of some great metal you aren’t familiar with and that you will like.
We had 22 entries for this weeks so this is the second of two posts of eleven each.
Here’s even more Shit Brian Shields Should Hear
Geoff Teach, the proprietor at Teach’s Class of Metal says I can learn something from Aspherium
Pablo Alejandro Jara-Lepage recommends COFR as Ukrainian Instrumental Prog.
Doug Wagner says “Check out this massive new track from Salt Lake City’s Huldra, featuring the ladies from SubRosa on guest vocals.”
Maxim Saint Laurent recommends very//important//dog//dreams. And I wouldn’t be surprised it this is how dogs dream either.
Been having some nice conversations with Jan Kruitwagen about Black Metal in the Netherlands and the changing face of metal in America. Check out his BM Band Sammath
Tyrel Lynes offers some Transient Dawn.
Don’t smoke synthetic weed. But listening to Nicholas Price’s Synthetic Weed is okay.
Maybe it’s not the heaviest shit I should hear but sombunall of you may dig Lion I Am.
Brian Goetz is doing some Technical Alien Deathcore Collaborating.
Motorized is from Paraguay.
Keep those recommendations coming. There’s never enough good shit.