With bands like The Contortionist moving on to lighter territory, and groups like Substructure no longer around, the pickings are slim for anyone who is looking for some decent “space core” in the present day. The Room Colored Charlatan‘s new album contributed significantly towards filling this void, but if you’re still hungry for more then look no further than The Antikythera Mechanism. Sporting a similar sound to the aforementioned bands, this Atlanta, GA based group released a superb EP earlier this year titled ‘Pathos‘. If you’re still reading this then you undoubtedly want to hear it, so here it is:
I’ve listened through it many times since they released it, and it’s really a consistently fantastic piece of work from start to finish that doesn’t get stale. My favorite track is probably ‘I, Archaea‘ though, with the great melodic leads near the beginning and the spacey clean vocals that make the section near the ending memorable. Be sure to keep up with these guys on facebook, and you can also check out a playthrough video below for ‘I, Archaea‘ featuring guitarist David Thrasher: