Hold on to your sound systems readers because it doesn’t get more crushing than this. YOB are now streaming their new album, Clearing the Path to Ascend, in full over at the good folks at Pitchfork. Needless to say, this album is chock full of spaced-out riffs and repetitions that pull you deeper and deeper on the shaman’s path. Bring assorted occult instruments and mind-altering substances after the jump for your first listen.
Head over here to bite into this beast. We’ll be running our review of this album later today but let me just sneak in a few words right now and say that it’s great. It embraces the doom/stoner genre it resides in and turns everything up to 11. It then breaks the nob with its crushing vocals, who are undoubtedly the high point of this album. Make sure to listen to this as much as you can while the stream is live, the album itself sees release on 9/2. You can grab a preorder here.