Callisto are one of those bands that have an elusive and astonishing ability to change their sounds several times over their career. Always sticking with their core post metal foundation, the band has released three albums which are as different from one another as they are beautiful. Their 2005 release, True Nature Unfolds, is much more aggressive than following albums, focusing on sludge influences and abrasive vocals. The 2006 follow up, Noir, is straight up post metal, relying more on black metal undertones. And finally, we have my personal favorite Providence. Providence is this band’s Damnation, focusing on quieter sides, wood instruments and atmosphere. It’s by no means all quiet, but is much more somber and mellow than previous releases. And it’s amazing. Check out a sampler after the jump.
I chose ‘Stasis’ since it exhibits the many facets of Callisto: it starts off with, and returns to, the more mellow side focused on with Noir but also includes some excellent growls in the middle. The rest of the album is much the same, with some tracks shedding the harsher vocals completely, in order to focus on the atmosphere and mood. I suggest you begin with this album if you’re more of a post-metal fan and then work your way backwards towards the heavier releases. If, however, you’re in the mood for heavier stuff, jump right back to True Nature Unfolds and make the journey I made when I first picked up their records. Enjoy.