
Hey! Listen to The Misanthrope!

These are my favorite kind of posts. We hear so much music now-days, what with the internet thingamajig the kids are raving about, and it’s quite hard to separate

10 years ago

The Misanthrope

These are my favorite kind of posts. We hear so much music now-days, what with the internet thingamajig the kids are raving about, and it’s quite hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. So, when we’ve already done the separating we like to share it with you, our readers, and save you some time. Please do the same! That being said, check out some wheat: The Misanthrope is the solo project of a man known as Jim Cook and it’s blistering, organic tech/math metal. I’ll shut up now and you’ll go after the jump to listen to These Tunnels Are Alive, featuring some killer vocals by Paul Maconko.

To be honest, the part that really got me hooked on this is the quiet part beginning around the one minute mark and ending just a bit over 25 seconds later. The way that killer, Meshuggah-like riff blends with the vocals is simply stupendous. The second guitar wailing in the background is a nice touch as well, lending it that creepy atmosphere that’s second to none. The outro to the song is also intense and violent, the perfect ending for a track that could have been all somber and brooding.

The Misanthrope’s latest album, Supersession, releases on August the 8th, and you can pick it up (and listen to older stuff) over at his bandcamp. I strongly urge you to do so!


Eden Kupermintz

Published 10 years ago