
What Are Your Favorite Prog Albums Ever? PROG Magazine Wants YOU To Be Heard!

I’m sick and tired of all these “Best ____ Albums Of All Time”. They’re always voted on by staff, and never even consider the popular opinions of their readers,

11 years ago

Prog 100

I’m sick and tired of all these “Best ____ Albums Of All Time”. They’re always voted on by staff, and never even consider the popular opinions of their readers, who mostly disagree. It’s like reading Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Albums list and seeing the top ten albums consist of 8 Beatles and 2 Bob Dylan albums. It’s stupid, and quite frankly keeps me from ever subscribing to their magazines. However, PROG Magazine are deciding to do something different.

Check it out. All you have to do is submit an email to them with your list of the 100 Greats Prog Albums Ever, and they’re going to tally all the votes and create a final, comprehensive list. HELL YEAH. Petition to make Pink Floyd‘s “Wish You Were Here” number 1 has already begun by me submitting my list, which also contains the likes of King Crimson, Dream Theater, Rush, Yes, and Genesis. If you’re interested, submit an email! Who knows? Maybe this time they’ll actually get it right and put your album at the top!


Heavy Blog

Published 11 years ago