
Tool Album ‘100% Done’ According To ‘Unnamed Source’

UPDATE: Looks like it was too good to be true afterall: hello greg. fyi "the record's done and its coming out tomorrow" is what i said

11 years ago


UPDATE: Looks like it was too good to be true afterall:

How’s that for a headline? Alluring, isn’t it?

Allow me to explain. Any one who’s a Tool fan is basically chomping at the bit now for more information on a new Tool album, myself including. So imagine my surprise when late last night, a link began circulating that suggested the album was ‘100% done’ according to guitarist Adam Jones and ready for release later this year.

However, then you read a little further to discover that the source is in fact an ‘unnamed fan’ from a VIP meet-and-greet in Portland, Oregon. Kind of takes the wind out of the sails a little bit, doesn’t it?

The original article refers to our anonymous friend as their ‘exclusive source’, so maybe it’s legitimate. But it’s probably up to you whether you believe it or not. Hey, at least I was truthful with the headline! Last we heard, the band were well into writing one particularly long track, but there was nothing to suggest how far along the line they really were.

So time to repeat our mantra: “I’ll believe there’s new Tool material; not when they announce it, not when they begin to advertise it, not when they release it, not when I actually go and buy it, not when I listen to it for the first time but the day after that. That’s when I’ll believe there’s a new Tool album.”

– DL

Heavy Blog

Published 11 years ago