Remember that time we all huddled round a small URL, trying to grasp a listen at the new Animals As Leaders track, ‘Lippincott‘? Ah, those were the days. Well, a couple of weeks ago, but the point is, if you missed it the first time you can now grab a listen to the track, directly through the Sumerian YouTube page.
We already discussed the previous track, ‘Tooth And Claw‘, at length, with some even suggesting that it sounded way more like Veil Of Maya than Tosin Abasi and the gang — but ‘Lippincott‘ is more of the winding metallic and tasteful grooves we’re more used to from the band, even if some have suggested that this one sounds a little ‘straight forward’.
Regardless, I’m excited — the album looks set to bridge the gap set by the previous two albums, that each had their own quirks. So, keep an eye on March 25th, when The Joy Of Motion finally drops.
Pre-orders, including some pretty vinyl records, are available right here.
– DL