
Intervals Counting Down New Album With New Song Every Day Until Release

Intervals‘ full-length debut album A Voice Within drops next week, March 4th. To celebrate the impending release, the band will be counting down with a new song from the record

11 years ago

Intervals - A Voice Within

Intervals‘ full-length debut album A Voice Within drops next week, March 4th. To celebrate the impending release, the band will be counting down with a new song from the record every day. The first track in this series (the 3rd revealed overall), ‘The Self Surrendered’ can be streamed below.

I’ve had the privilege of hearing the album in its entirety, and it’s a magical album. I know a lot of fans are upset with the sudden inclusion of vocals into the fold, but the risk certainly pays off, because the decision has propelled the band to new heights.

Be on the lookout at Intervals’ Facebook for a new song tomorrow, and stick around later today for our review of A Voice Within!

– JR

Jimmy Rowe

Published 11 years ago