This is probably the biggest mindfuck I’ve encountered in the metal community all year: Cameron Argon has been hyping his new Disfiguring the Goddess release Deprive, which sees release today (review here!). Some folks have noticed that there was indeed more than meets the eye when the Disfiguring the Goddess Facebook published new artwork today (above). As it turns out, Cam’s been planning a surprise all along; Disfiguring the Goddess has released two albums today! Alongside Deprive, a second release titled Black Earth Child was quietly put on sale on iTunes.
I haven’t been able to hear the release yet in full, but from the samples it seems like Black Earth Child is much more raw , brutal, and less produced than Deprive. If you think Disfiguring the Goddess has gotten too progressive and electronic driven in recent years, then it looks like Black Earth Child will be the album for you.
Both albums are now streaming with our friends at Metalinjection. Go nuts!
You can also pick them up now on iTunes. Let us know what you think!
– JR