In case you haven't caught on by the fact that we post about them about every year, we really like Dawnwalker. Part of the reason for that is that they're unexpected and prone to ride the progressive core that sits at the foundation of their band in all sorts of directions (maybe because they are more a loose collective than a "proper" band). Sometimes it's spliced with the post-metal that first garnered them our attention. Other times it is twisted in weird, noisy direction. But always, at the roots of the band, there is a twisting, folksy sort of progressive rock that carries with it a mood that's hard to find elsewhere. And, sometimes, rarely, Dawnwalker give that progressive core pride of place. This is what they've done with The Unknowing, their latest album that drops October 18th. We are ecstatic, as always, to premiere it here today in full.
I am very, very happy that we got this version of Dawnwalker again. Don't get me wrong, I love the heavier sounds that the band are capable of. But, for me, the draw has always been the unique, moody, mist-laden, fen-traversing sound that Dawnwalker are so good for. As I said above, it is front and center here; The Unknowing is made up of a kind of winding, patient progressive rock that might be compared to Bruce Soord or Anathema's more contemplative work. Like those bands, much is happening in the wings, whether in the weird sounds and structure of "Capricorn" (with its mysterious shrieking in the background), the In Absentia reminiscent choirs of "Sword of Spirit", or the lush, gorgeous "The Law" which closes the album.
Throughout, the unique, green, moss-cloaked sound of Dawnwalker has never been more alluring. Maybe that's because they've also collaborated with some of the best people in the UK music industry, like Joe Clayton (Pijn, Leeched) at Manchester's No Studio and with Scott McLean (Ashenspire, HealthyLiving) at Neon Fable Studios in Edinburgh. These are some serious chops and they've been brought to bear to make this the lushest, most layered records in Dawnwalker's history and that's saying something.
OK. I really like this album, yeah? You will too if you are interested in any of the bands I cited above or just in well made, thought out, and recorded music. Somehow, Dawnwalker continue to go from strength to strength and whenever I think I've heard it all from them, they catch me by surprise again. And I love them for it.
October 18th. The Unknowing. Pre-order it here. Now back with me into the moors of this deep release.