Back in the heyday of Post Rock Post, where it was mostly just me writing it, I had just gotten to know A Thousand Arms and dunk!records, I came across Shipwreck Karpathos. Firmly enmeshed within the burgeoning scene of American post-rock, these guys played post-rock they way that I liked it - narratively rich, expansive, and yet intensely groovy and present. And what do you know, they still do just that. After an extended period of silence, the band have been releasing singles from their upcoming release, scheduled to drop sometime later this year via the above mentioned labels, with the latest one, "Almost Colossus", releasing today. It has all of those elements I mentioned above, namely rich storytelling and a belter of a groove section that keeps everything bellowing forwards. Scroll on down below to check it out for yourself!
Yes, yes, and once again, yes! I don't think it would be true to say that this style of post-rock is "gone" but it has definitely diminished over the last couple of years so it's good to have Karpathos back with us. I simply adore how loud the bass and drums are on this one, providing the infusion of groove and rhythm that the track needs to stay cohesive. Add on top of that the band's capacity for creating tension and releasing it, whether that is via the excellent main guitar riff of that track or that well placed quieter segment near the end of it, and you've got yourself a moving and convincing track from this group.
I, for one, am incredibly excited to hear the full album when it drops...sometime soon? Stay tuned for more news as one of the best contemporary, American post-rock bands returns.