It's been three years since I last got to write about the underrated Scaphoid, a solo project out of Austin (where else) that does some really intriguing things with the spaces between progressive rock, post rock, and post metal. No other artist out there does it quite like this and the secret is that Scaphoid doesn't make any part of its sound "secondary". All the different influences and styles are as prominent, kept balanced by excellent composition and product. The good news is that Scaphoid is lined up to release a new album, Echoes of the Rift, out July 14th, and we're getting to premiere "Pandora's Box" from it right here! It's a doozy, once again straddling all three of the above mentioned genres to create something truly unique. Head on down below to check it out!
The main "engine" of the track is the chuggy, thick main guitar riff. On top of that, Scaphoid sometimes layers more psychedelic, post-rock vibes with delay-laden leads. Other times, like on the passage which starts around the five minute marks, the track departs entirely from this skeleton while maintaining its compositional underpinnings. This results in weird echoes, where the main chords of the track are present but a heavier or more experimental or more melancholic mood is introduced to them. It's all handled extremely well, especially the transitions, which tie together what is the project's most ambitious track to date. The sheer amount of musical ideas and movements that are packed into this one track is a joy to listen to, all expertly tied together by those aforementioned transitions and shared "musical language".
Echoes of the Rift is coming in less than a month; you can, and should, head on over here to pre-order it.