
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: VHS Rally "Adventurers, Heroes, Brothers" With New Single

It's time to have some goddamn fun! How does that sound? Leaving all the pretense and grandiose concepts behind and reconnecting with the inherent simplicity, silliness, and ass-kicking roots of heavy fucking metal.

2 years ago

It's time to have some goddamn fun! How does that sound? Leaving all the pretense and grandiose concepts behind and reconnecting with the inherent simplicity, silliness, and ass-kicking roots of heavy fucking metal. If that sounds good, read on; if not, leave the hall! To met out this regimen of fun, we are joined by VHS, a band that's all about riffs, solos, and ripped barbarians tearing the limbs off of monsters. Yes, OK, I was skeptical too but their upcoming album Quest for the Might Riff (yes, that is its title) is pretty fucking sick; it has this lightness on it that works extremely well with its thrashy death metal sound.

"Adventurers, Heroes, Brothers", as the band themselves admit, is by far the corniest track on it but it still manages to be engaging. That's because VHS are well versed in the trick of making light-hearted music: doing so doesn't give you an excuse to make shoddy music. This means that the riffs on "Adventurers, Heroes, Brothers" aren't throwaway, the drums are tight, and well the lyrics are, well, a bit on the nose, they also do a good job of communicating the self-deprecation and jovial spirit in which they were written instead of being in your face or overstaying their welcome.

Bottom line, if you're looking for some fast, well made, and engaging metal then Quest For the Mighty Riff, whch releases on the 19th of May via Wise Blood Records, is for you. You can head on over here to pre-order it and scroll down below to listen to "Adventurers, Heroes, Brothers" below!

Eden Kupermintz

Published 2 years ago