I reviewed the Oil Barons’ last record, The West Is Won, last year and absolutely loved it. It had those funky little streaks in it reminiscent of Queens of the Stone Age and the greatest hits of desert rock. It touches on all those weird little musical instances you hear in all those records, but they also package it into a very accessible sound I find reminiscent of more modern rock acts like White Reaper. If that sounds like your bag, then I strongly recommend checking out The West Is Won. But we will also be blessed with another EP on September 18th with Grease Pop. Check out “California Murder” from the album right below!
When guitarist Lou Aquiler sent me that track, I was not ready for it. I was expecting more rockin’ tunes for a killer road trip. Hearing this, though, was a surprise; the track fits well into their growing discography but it’s probably the darkest country ballad I’ve ever heard. Yet, strangely, it seems so fitting for the desert doom rock guys of The Oil Barons to come up with it. This new track hints that this wonderfully weird band might be starting to get into Mr. Bungle territory with some of their songs, and I’m friggin’ here for it.
All 5 tracks from this new EP are well worth the 20 minutes of your time. Thanks again, Oil Barons! You struck black gold once more.