For the last six years in a row, we at Heavy Blog have continued a tradition of reaching out to friends, family, and other independent and unsigned artists in the

6 years ago

For the last six years in a row, we at Heavy Blog have continued a tradition of reaching out to friends, family, and other independent and unsigned artists in the online metal community to curate a free Christmas compilation as a gift to you, dear readers.

2018 was no different, and we are fortunate to bring you over TWENTY tracks from across the spectrum from post-rock and prog to grind, death metal, and everything between.

Stream and download our sixth annual free compilation via the Bandcamp Player below:

[bandcamp width=400 height=836 album=2432634088 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=fe7eaf]

PLEASE NOTE: If we run out of downloads and Bandcamp defaults the compilation to require a purchase, please message us on Facebook and we’ll purchase more free downloads. This is a gift and should not be purchased anywhere.

Thank you for sticking with us after all these years. Have yourselves a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!


Jimmy Rowe

Published 6 years ago