Demo tapes are a thing of the past, right? Guess again; alongside shrill guitar tones and over the top vocals, the traditional heavy metal revival is bringing back demos as well. As short as three tracks and produced in a style very reminiscent of their origins, demos are great ways for bands to get discovered by fans and labels alike. And with the age of Bandcamp and streaming, it’s even easier to reach potential patrons of your music so, why the hell not? That’s the attitude which Traveler, a heavy metal band from Calgary, took with their demo released this year. From artwork to, most importantly, music, this demo screams (quite literally) mid-80’s heavy metal and by god, it owns. Head on down below for your first taste!
I choose “Behind the Iron” for a very simple reason: listen to that fucking bass. Whether it’s galloping on the verses or executing one of the catchiest licks I’ve heard in years on the chorus, it’s just a joy to listen to and speaks volumes of Traveler’s commitment to the style of music they’re executing here. Throw in the great vocals (which, in other places, go much higher on the register), excellent drumming and guitar-work oozing with flair, and you get one of the best releases to come out of traditional heavy metal in a while. I can’t wait to see where these go; hopefully someone picks them up and they can grace ours ears with a full length release soon!