
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Check Out This New Video From Sleep Token!

I love secret projects. Aside from the obvious publicity it garners, it’s wonderful to hear about bands that have little to no info available about them. Bands such as

8 years ago

I love secret projects. Aside from the obvious publicity it garners, it’s wonderful to hear about bands that have little to no info available about them. Bands such as Dragged Into Sunlight, Deathspell Omega, and Thatifaxath come to mind, and it makes their music that much more interesting to hear. However, you’ll notice that a common thread that binds all those acts is an underlying black metal influence. Today’s premiere is not even close to black metal, but is just as secretive. Sleep Token, as I have been told, “may or may not be made up of very prolific musicians from various projects”. Secrets are awesome, and so is this song. Head below to check out the amazing new single!

This is everything and more that I want from my music. It’s passionate, it’s dark. It has emotion attached to it. It has killer vocals and some super heavy riffs. I love how the song goes from being such a great track with ambient stuff behind it to ending on such a heavy, hard-hitting note with the super heavy guitars. It really throws the listener for a loop, and it’s super interesting to see how well they did it. I am incredibly excited to hear more and find out more about this band, or collective of musicians, because they might really be onto something great here. If the rest of the band’s music sounds anywhere near as good as this song does, it’ll definitely be a band that becomes one of my favorites.

Be sure to hit up the band’s Facebook and Bandcamp for more info, because you’ll definitely want to hear the rest!

Heavy Blog

Published 8 years ago