So, June has came and gone. The usual horrors of the world keep coming and going and apparently there has been some sort of political shift in the UK. I

9 years ago

So, June has came and gone. The usual horrors of the world keep coming and going and apparently there has been some sort of political shift in the UK. I wouldn’t know however, solely because I’ve spent the whole month watching music videos in preparation of my monthly round up of the best the world of metal/hardcore/duhjent and whatever else has to offer. The sunny month of June has deemed it fit to give us two entries from Down Under – one experimental deathcore with a twist of nature and a mathy take on deathcore with… I dunno, but it’s sick. There’s also two entries from the hardcore world. Both are brilliant. End of. Look forth and enjoy.

Make Them Suffer – “Ether”

I’ve listened to Make Them Suffer a bunch of times but in my head I always lumped them in with Oceano and Lorna Shore. “Ether” is totally different to pretty much everything else they’ve released before though, but that is by no means a negative. The track is a heady mix of Deftones, Devin Townsend and deathcore. The choral vocals and huge stomping riffs are a match made in heaven for this particular mosher. The video itself is totally stunning to look at thanks to some imaginative use of shadow for the performances and an array of colours and lighting techniques too. The dreamy mix of keys and riffs is suited almost too perfectly with the gorgeous visuals on show. It’s that perfect that I’ve watched it around a hundred times since it came to my attention. I’ll watch it a hundred more too.

Jack The Stripper – “Nibiru”

The second entry from Australia this month couldn’t be any different to the last. Jack The Stripper released the album which “Nibiru” came from almost three years ago and I’ve been jocking it ever since. The band’s grinding low end is super fucking heavy and evokes everything that we as a species love about Ion Dissonance and TTDTE. In this performance clip, there are no nice colours or textures. Nope. Just blacked out skin and demon white eyes. The proximity of the lead vocalists face to the camera almost makes me wanna lean back in my chair. The video is simple as but it looks killer and I love the overlaying graphics during certain sections of the track. It’s a dark beast of a track with enough spills to dry out a mop store and this video gets me pretty much moist enough to do the same.

Every Time I Die – “The Coin Has A Say”

It’s Every Time I Die. It’s a video consisting of clips of the band playing live. It’s nothing new and it’s nothing fancy. Why does it merit inclusion on this list? Well, I’ve seen Every Time I Die destroy a pretty large sized venue JUST AS SUPPORT. If you haven’t seen this before then let me sum it up for you with the aide of a list –

Stagedives – 13
Guitars thrown in air – 5
Split leg jumps – 34
Drunk crowd members – all of them
Bands like ETID – 0

The home video style of the video is pretty popular just now but fuck it. It is perfect for the Buffalo behemoths and their spastic, southern fried hardcore. The Buckley’s secret recipe of herbs and spices is too damn delicious. More please.

The Armed – “Mujahoudini”

I don’t care if this song came out five years ago, this is hands down the funniest music video I’ll ever seen in my life. There’s fuck all I can really say about this one. The Armed and Jay Leno are a combination so perfect for each other that the only thing that pisses me off about this is that it didn’t exist sooner. This band are always outdoing themselves with each and every video. I’m still laughing at this, hours later.

Matt MacLennan

Published 9 years ago