Melodeath is a genre that I have’t paid much attention to as of late. Short of a handful of gems, it all sounds the same. Plus, bands such as In Flames have completely abandoned their roots and gone full alt-metal with it (you know it’s true), and it’s not for me. Dark Tranquility put out a decent record recently, but it never really stuck. I seem to always look for something different, perhaps a bit darker music. Karnak Seti seems to scratch the itch that I need, and their newest album The Distance That Made Us Cold is a banger chock filled with melodeath songs that kick some serious ass. Today they have chosen us to host the lead track of the new album titled “The Bliss Of Living”. Check it out!
The song is a great example of what you’ll hear on the rest of the record. The band leans more towards death metal quite often, but still retain the melodies that have become a trademark of the melodeath sound. It’s cool that the band has fully embraced the sound and decided to change things up a bit. It’s definitely an album that might slip under people’s radars but will be on rotation for those that hear it. Be sure to follow the band’s Facebook for more info and pick up The Distance That Made Us Cold on June 30!