Rock and metal with a sense of humor is good and all, but with it comes the (often true) stereotype that there isn’t much to it musically. There are

9 years ago

Rock and metal with a sense of humor is good and all, but with it comes the (often true) stereotype that there isn’t much to it musically. There are obvious exceptions—Frank Zappa managed to make music that was both hilarious and interesting, and Every Time I Die’s sense of humor is always fun to be around; I mean, who else could come up with a track title like “Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space”? The answer to that question is Victorian Whore Dogs, a British-based metal band who recently put out their third studio album Afternoonified last month.

With track titles like “Captain Kirk Was My Favourite Stormtrooper” and “Murder Boner,” there’s an obvious sense of sarcasm in the band’s music; hell, they even describe their sound on Bandcamp with the tags “hobonoise” and “trampcore.”However, VWD also plays some great music. It’s sort of a sludgy blend of groove metal and Great American Ghost-esque hardcore—impressively heavy, and basically made to run a circle pit to. Vocalist Danny Page (who also shares vocal duties with bassist Andy Nutall and guitarist Adam Crawley) brings some disgustingly awesome growls to the mix as well, somewhere between a hardcore yell and the gross screech/growls of Cattle Decapitation’s Travis Ryan, though, without the infamous “pirate” vocals he’s used on the last few Cattle Decap albums.

I don’t think it’d affect VWD’s sound though if they decided to bring those pirate vocals in. This a band so committed to both having fun with their music and making the heaviest shit they can that they could probably turn any musical concept into something hilariously great.

Heavy Blog

Published 9 years ago