
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Stream The New Album From Turning Virtue!

Ever since I discovered Anathema and their astounding Weather Systems, I have been introduced to a world of prog rock and power pop that I ever knew existed. It’s

9 years ago

Ever since I discovered Anathema and their astounding Weather Systems, I have been introduced to a world of prog rock and power pop that I ever knew existed. It’s got all the things I love about being super intense and emotional while still maintaining a grounding effect, making it way easier to connect with on a personal level. It’s definitely a special genre in its own right and there are countless bands now making music to fit this style. Turning Virtue is another one of those bands, and they have been fortunate enough to let us host the full album stream of their upcoming record A Temporary Human Experience. Check it out below!

It’s a very solid effort from start to finish. It evenly distributed the prog so that it doesn’t feel oversaturated. Sometimes it’s better to kind of leave things as basic as opposed to making them complex for the sake of it like many bands do. There’s tons of cool stuff going on here, from the space rock vibe that pops up from time to time to the great use of acoustic guitars throughout the record. While it’s not reinventing the wheel, it definitely makes for a fun release and an easy listen that any fan of prog rock would enjoy. The album comes out this Friday, so be sure to grab it! Be sure to check out their Facebook and website for more!

Heavy Blog

Published 9 years ago