
GIVEAWAY: Win Two Tickets to Choosing Death Fest!

Every once in awhile a show comes along that has a line up beautiful, so utterly tear-jerkingly wonderful, that you feel the compulsive need to do cartwheels out of the

8 years ago

Every once in awhile a show comes along that has a line up beautiful, so utterly tear-jerkingly wonderful, that you feel the compulsive need to do cartwheels out of the sheer joy that something so perfect exists. Such is the case with Philadelphia’s most recent extreme music festival, Choosing Death Fest, which features 8 phenomenal grindcore and death metal bands from around the country. The fest is to celebrate the release of the book by the same name, Choosing Death by Decibel Magazine editor Albert Mudrian, which you can buy here. The book takes a close look at the development of the death metal scene over the years, giving in depth views of both and how they continue to shape extreme music today. It’s a great read if you’re looking for some history about the metal world that many people have not covered as in depth as other genres.

However, as you sit here, taking a break from reading the phenomenal book, you are losing your chance to buy tickets, which is where Heavy Blog comes in! Thanks to Decibel Magazine, we’re giving away two tickets to the festival, which includes acts such as Nails and Dying Fetus. This is the first ever iteration of this festival, so naturally we hope it goes off without a hitch that way we can have many more years of this fest to come! You can help us do that by entering in the contest, especially if you live in the Philadelphia area. To enter, send an email with your name in the body with the subject “Choosing Death” to [email protected]. Our winner will be selected Sunday, April 10th at midnight EST with winner being contacted Monday, April 11th.

Additionally, prior to the fest, there will be a special symposium from noon to 4 PM on the same day at Underground Arts. Called “Choosing Death Fest: Grimposium”, it will consist of creative writing work shops from members of Pig Destroyer, death metal vocal workshops, panel discussions on the “Politics and Economics of Extreme Metal” with prominent musicians, authors and music industry veterans, as well as an advance screening of a documentary called “DEATH by MetaL” about the late Chuck Schuldiner. You can find more about this special symposium here. Needless to say, the show is sure to be a certified banger and if you want nothing more than to be surrounded by other sweaty, moshing death metal and grindcore fans for a few hours on April 23rd, we highly recommend you enter for a chance to win the tickets. Also, if you’re looking to do some good reading, we highly recommend the book as well. You can find more info on the official website here, and even if you don’t win, tickets can be found at this location.

Jake Tiernan

Published 8 years ago