
The Happening 2016: Fallujah Drop ‘The Void Alone’

Ladies and gentlemen, hold on to your figurative metal seatbelts: the Fallujah‘ing is upon us. Ever since they shuffled their deck of influences on their previous release, The Flesh

9 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, hold on to your figurative metal seatbelts: the Fallujah‘ing is upon us. Ever since they shuffled their deck of influences on their previous release, The Flesh Prevails, the community has been keeping its dirty, bloodshot eyes on these guys. For better or for worse, their new-fangled vibe caught us all by the jugular and forced us to look as a whole sub-genre was birthed before our eyes. Well, the guys are back and if you thought that they were done, you’re sorely mistaken. Head on over the jump to hear the first single, “The Void Alone”, from their upcoming album, Dreamless. Expect brightness, retrowave influences and just a hint of nu-prog. Yeah, see you there.

If you expected any of these words to preface a Fallujah track, all power to you because I sure didn’t. Let me explain what I mean: first, check out those guitar leads from the first dozen of seconds and tell me you would think they were out of place on an Intervals or Polyphia track. You can’t, because that’s where they belong. Secondly, these very same sounds are then amplified throughout many of the bridges on the track for a distinctly neo-Tokyo vibe, straight from some cyberpunk/retrowave fever daydream.

Make no mistake, this is still death metal: around and in between these elements lie growls, riffs, furious blastbeats and more. Oh, and also a female backing vocals track? Alright, count me re-excited for this album. While The Flesh Prevails was good, I’m imagining I’ll like this even better, if the disparate influences are present throughout the album. Basically, give me some more of that quiet bridge near the three quarters mark, with its thick bass and soaring guitars, and I’ll be sold. Let’s see where this one goes.

Eden Kupermintz

Published 9 years ago