
Hey! Listen to Hath!

I have a deep love for really gritty black metal, particularly bands that take aspects of post-metal and work it into the music. It’s one of the most ferocious

9 years ago

I have a deep love for really gritty black metal, particularly bands that take aspects of post-metal and work it into the music. It’s one of the most ferocious combinations of genres that I can think up (next to black metal and grindcore), and has produced some great bands. One you might not know about, however, goes by the name of Hath, and are a three piece from New Jersey. Recently, I got turned onto their music and discovered their new album on Bandcamp, and instantly fell in love with it. Check it out below!

As you can probably hear, it’s extremely heavy. The vocals sound like something off of an Ahab record, and the music has some really awesome riffage going on. The coolest part to me, however, are the powerful, atmospheric guitar sections in the opening track “Apparition” and the closing track “Hive”. It’s got the perfect combo of black metal and post-metal which makes it stand out, and it couples really well with the toned-down drumming that replaces the normal blasts we’re all accustomed to hearing (though there’s plenty of those for you to enjoy as well). The band could do some serious damage in the scene with this kind of song writing, and I’m really excited to see them hop on some cool tours where their sound can be appreciated by hundreds of fans at each venue. You can pick up their album on Bandcamp for whatever price you desire, so don’t sleep on this record, because it warrants your attention!


Heavy Blog

Published 9 years ago