
PHOTOS: So Hideous, Black Table, Planning for Burial, Barbarian—October 24th, 2015 @ ABC No Rio, New York, NY

October 24th, 2015, ABC No Rio had the privilege of hosting the record release show for Brooklyn’s beloved So Hideous, who just released their album Laurestine, out now on

9 years ago

October 24th, 2015, ABC No Rio had the privilege of hosting the record release show for Brooklyn’s beloved So Hideous, who just released their album Laurestine, out now on Prosthetic Records. Starting the show was Barbarian, who unfortunately played their last show that afternoon. The post-metal trio crushed the apartment loft with heavy riffs and ambient pieces. Sad to see them go. Following Barbarian was Planning For Burial. Planning For Burial has become a household name in the gloom/ambient/shoegaze scene, and for good reason. The one-man band sure knows how to get real loud and shake the whole venue that he’s performing at. Between the endless loops and the heavily distorted/fuzzed/droney guitar parts, if you don’t have earplugs, then boy am I sorry for your hearing.

Following was Black Table. This is when the show starts to fit the (post-)black metal theme, as they are a black metal band, but one that has probably slipped under your radar. If you have never heard them before, it is encouraged that you do so because although Brooklyn/NYC has a popular black metal scene, it’s cool that a black metal band is coming from New York State, rather than this little island we have here. Finally, the band of the hour, So Hideous ends the show. What better way to start a show than to fill the whole venue with thick, dense fog and strobing black lights? Although the band didn’t have the full orchestra that they had for Laurestine, guitarist Brandon Cruz fills that void by playing those parts on a keyboard, and it sounds just as good. One can hope that they play the whole album with a full orchestra, but who knows what the future holds. Congratulations on the nothing but positive responses on Laurestine, boys. Enjoy the pictures below!


Planning for Burial

Black Table

So Hideous

For more from this photographer, visit Mark Valentino Photography on Flickr.

Photos may not be reproduced or used in any manner outside of the above posting without express permission of the photographer and/or Heavy Blog is Heavy.

Mark Valentino

Published 9 years ago