I absolutely love black metal. Ever since I got into it a few years back, it’s been damn near impossible for me to stop finding new and exciting releases within the genre. I was recently searching on the internet in one of the many different groups that I am in with my friends who also enjoy metal, and someone posted about this Icelandic black metal band. Their name is Misþyrming and they’re absolutely monumental, taking black metal to the deepest, darkest place it has ever been.
The band hail from the almighty Iceland, which really isn’t known for its black metal. It’s more known for bands such as Sigur Rós and Árstíðir, who play soft, post-rock and dark folk music. It’s actually a tad bit surprising something this evil could come out of a country that has had exactly one murder in its entire history as a sovereign country. Nevertheless, that isolation and the constant chill that Iceland’s location gives it are heard very clearly on this record, and the band are no doubt able to capture the essence of their isolation in their music.
To my delight, they released an album earlier this year in February, which you can check out below to find out why I enjoy them so much. This record is a banger from start to finish, highlighted by some really evil guitar work coupled with strangled screams that sound as if the singer is being held prisoner against his will and tortured into record vocals. It’s both menacing an terrifying, and at the same time, a little satisfying knowing that a band like this exists.
Misþyrming are a band that took a style of music already wildly overpopulated and made a beautiful record out of it. If their last release is any indication, this band will go far, and bring the evil and the darkness all along the way.