Rejoice, fellow mortals! The progressive masters at Between the Buried and Me have deigned the hour appropriate for the release of the first track from the upcoming album, ‘Memory Palace’. Coma Ecliptic is due on July 7th and this is our first taste of the new direction the band has been promising.
So, it is with great fear and trepidation that I clicked play on this track and I have to tell you this: every single expectation I had has been shattered and exceeded. Simply put, this track is amazing from first second to last. Head on over the jump right now to listen to it for yourself.
The official Metal Blade Records page for the band has the track streaming, but the track is also up on iTunes, where you can purchase it as a single.
Just…wow. Where do I even begin? Maybe with the exceptional vocal work, spanning from theatrical, to hardcore, to excellent growls? Maybe with the insanely solid bass and drum work, lending this track an irresistible core? I think, for me, the main point is how cohesive this all sounds. That amazing Pink Floyd segment near the eight minute mark? It was born there, melding perfectly into the Queen-tinged segment right after it. Everything else just screams musicianship and an attention to this new style which I haven’t heard in a long time.
This track is nothing if not intricate but it flows expertly from start to finish. This bodes well people. If this is the quality of the rest of the album, this hints at an album of the year.
This has gotten me even more excited.
Update: The track is also on YouTube now.
Double Update!!!: Here’s the sexy 11-song tracklist with track times:
01. Node – 3:31
02. The Coma Machine – 7:35
03. Dim Ignition – 2:16
04. Famine Wolf – 6:50
05. King Redeem / Queen Serene – 6:58
06. Turn on the Darkness – 8:26
07. The Ectopic Stroll – 7:02
08. Rapid Calm – 7:59
09: Memory Palace – 9:54
10. Option Oblivion – 4:22
11. Life in Velvet – 3:38