
Hadal Maw Lose Aaron Grice; Gain Sam Dishington (Separatist)

Australia! It’s been a long time since I’ve professed my undying love of the scene that slowly grew in the land down under. Now I get the chance

10 years ago


Australia! It’s been a long time since I’ve professed my undying love of the scene that slowly grew in the land down under. Now I get the chance to hail two of my favorite projects from there, albeit in less than perfect circumstances. Death metal specialists Hadal Maw announced last night that they would be parting ways with their excellent vocalist, Aaron Grice. However, they also announced that Sam Dishington AKA Separatist will be filling in. Head over the jump for the full announcement and some tasty jams to get you started with both projects.

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Best of luck to all parties involved! I am sure that a vocalist as talented as Grice will land on his feet. I can’t wait to see what Dishington brings to the table and I am sure we can expect great things from Hadal Maw in the future. Stay tuned!


Eden Kupermintz

Published 10 years ago