Music is much more than notes strummed, played or programmed on an instrument. For me at least, music has always been about feeling things strongly, facing the parts in you that aren’t always easy to face. Last night, I was reminded exactly of how powerful those moments can be with a new track by The Aurora Borealis Project. It features Drewsif Stalin on the vocals and is a wonder of heavy hitting lyrics and beautiful melodies orchestrated by Justin Enriquez. Head on over the jump for the track and its back story.
Let’s let the mind and soul behind The Aurora Borealis Project, Eric Hendricks’s words speak true:
This song written to my mother Teresa Hendricks who passed just a short time ago at 54 years old. She eventually succumbed to Hepatitis that she got from a bad blood transfusion, back when there wasn’t the new needle every time policies. I bring this up because i will make this song downloadable for free, but if you did want to spend money, a donation to would be a far better expenditure. Thanks for your time.
You heard the man. Listen to the track and head on over to that link and do what you can. It took me a few minutes to recover after hearing this, as it connected very strongly to how I feel about loss myself. Needless to say, Drewsif’s vocals on this are stunning, the instrumentation is top notch and Hendricks himself ties off the whole package with his own intensely emotional performance.