Earlier this year the metal community lost one of its more unique and positive voices as Dave Brockie, none other than Oderus Urungus from GWAR, passed away. It’s safe to say his passing was mourned across genres, continents and personal preferences, as he was always a voice for self-confidence, personal growth and empowerment. This Saturday, August 15th, both Brockie and Oderus were honored with a viking funeral in the form of a blazing boat. Check out images from the event below.
I have to tell you that when I read this, tears came to my eyes. As some of our more attentive readers might know, I study history and in particular, the Middle Ages. While it is true that such ceremonies were rare and there is little evidence to support their wide spread use, they still bear a certain cultural beauty which is impossible to disregard, regardless of its veracity. We here at Heavy Blog hope that both Brockie and Oderus rest in whatever great beyond you choose to imagine. Skol!
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Post by Jon Freeman.