The most important news always seems to pop up just as I’m about to do something else, so forgive me if this is short and sweet, but Tesseract have once again had a switch-up in the vocalist department — parting ways with Ashe O’Hara and regrouping with the vocalist of One, Dan Tompkins. The statement posted on their Facebook page reads:
We have amicably parted ways with Ashe as we have found ourselves in different places, creatively. Ashe is a fantastic talent and will continue to be successful in his career and we wish him the absolute best!
Moving forward for TesseracT – Daniel Tompkins will be rejoining us as a full time member of the band. Starting from our main stage performance at Sonisphere, UK on 05.07.14. We are also looking forward to starting writing and recording album three with Daniel, which will begin later this year.
Assuming this is true, this will only serve to stoke the never ending debates of who exactly was the best vocalist. But for someone such as myself, who has enjoyed the contributions of O’Hara, Coleman and Tompkins, I’m interested to see as to exactly where this leads the music.
EDIT: Tompkins himself has made a statement on his Facebook page:
It’s with great pleasure that I announce my returnTesseracT
after the band amicably parted ways with Ashe, who I wish all the very best to for all his future endeavours.
To be clear to allSkyharbor
fans please take note that I will remain the bands frontman and look forward to our second album release later this year which we are very excited about.
The future remains extremely bright for both bands and I look forward to seeing you all on the road
– Dan
– DL