It’s been a long, long week. So, what better way to top it than completely scrambling your brain with a new track from the a band that manages to sound even more alien than Artificial Brain? With the ‘The Mother Of Virtues‘ Pyrrhon deliver nearly eleven minutes of wonky and limping doom and death that are pretty much unlike anything you’ll hear all day.
When you think of this ever-present collection of bands making extremely left-field death, you’re bound to think of Portal, but whereas Portal are a whirling cacophony of horror, Pyrrhon act as their more nauseous and wheezing direct brother — equally as terrifying and equally as captivating. Be on the lookout for the section around eight or nine minutes in where the track slowly loses control, before stopping itself almost instantaneously. It’s fascinating to hear.
The track is available to stream through MetalSucks and is taken from the upcoming album of the same name, which will be released on the 31st of March through Relapse Records.
– DL